Earlier this year Lancs manufactured and assembled this containment tent for EnergySolutions, which was used at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory on the Separations Process Research Unit (SPRU) cleanup project. This large tent (18′ wide x 50′ long x 18′ tall) was completed as part of a consent order between the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, which required the construction of the enclosures and ventilation systems before workers could treat and dispose of tank sludge and demolish two facilities. Performing this work within the enclosures with the ventilation systems provided an added measure of protection for health and the environment.

Built in the 1940s, the two buildings to be demolished supported the SPRU mission to research the chemical process of extracting plutonium from irradiated materials. Although equipment was flushed and drained and bulk waste was removed following the shutdown of the facilities in 1953, residual hazardous materials are present in the tanks, buildings H2 and G2, and interconnecting pipe tunnels. (Excerpt from

Lancs has been providing tent and ventilation units for our customers since 1974. We have been involved with hundreds of different site configurations ranging from simple single chamber tents with limited access to complex requirements such as expandable and collapsible, multi-tier, multi-chamber tents spanning areas of thousands of square feet.


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