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Man in protective hazmat suit. Isolated on white.

What is a Radiation Safety Officer

Any company or business requiring employees to work with or around radiation and/or radioactive materials should have a clear Radiation Safety Program in place, and that program is traditionally led by a designated (qualified) Radiation Safety Officer. If your company is registered with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), you are required to have a designated…


What is a Dosimeter?

Ionizing radiation is harmful. At best, it causes radiation sickness and/or burns; at its worst, it’s fatal or is the cause of terminal cancers and other health conditions that can be fatal. Fortunately, radiation dosimeters come in various sizes and styles, but are ultimately designed to measure the levels of harmful ionizing radiation as a…

DNA Structure

Does Radiation Alter Your DNA?

One question we hear now and then is “Does Radiation Alter Your DNA?” There are different types of radiation, and some have little to no effect on DNA – electromagnetic and radio waves, for example. However, ionizing radiation does affect DNA, and this can be harmful at best, and fatal at worst, if humans don’t…

Occupational health and safety officer

The Importance of Radiation Safety Training in the Workplace

Radiation Safety Training should be in integral part of any company whose work puts employees, the environment and/or others at risk for radiation contamination or exposure. According to the 2017 Ionizing Regulations Act: Every employer must ensure that those of its employees who are engaged in work with ionizing radiation are given appropriate training in…

Several barrels of toxic waste

Radiation Containment Types & Styles: Adequate Protection Requires the Right Choice

Your protection from radiation exposure is entirely dependent on the quality of the shielding products you use. Failure to choose the right type or style can lead to unnecessary exposure and long-term consequences.   Radiation Containment 101: Basic Types and Styles If you’re working in a radioactive career or in a job environment, its essential…


Radiation Exposure Compensation Act

It’s important to note that while the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) does help certain individuals who were unlawfully and/or unethically exposed to nuclear weapons radiation – it only pertains to very particular years during 1945 and 1962. If you have been exposed to radiation after these dates – via your place of work or…


The History of X-Ray Technology

Professor Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-ray radiation in his Wuerzburg University lab back in 1895. His discovery is said to have landed like a bomb-shell in the scientific community – and we can honestly say the world has not been the same since. While working with a cathode-ray tube, the professor noticed crystals on a…


Is Electromagnetic Radiation Dangerous?

There are different types of radiation – and some are more harmless than others. Ionizing radiation – the type that messes with your DNA and causes radiation sickness – is the “bad kind.” This is very different from electromagnetic radiation, which is considered non-ionizing (doesn’t break chemical bonds and/or damage your DNA). Even so, experts…


Radiation in Outer Space

The bulk of the natural radiation experienced in everyday life comes from outer space. Most immediately, we’re exposed to radiation from the sun’s UV rays – hence our sensible attention to wearing hats, staying in the shade and donning sunscreen when spending time outdoors. However, the sun isn’t the only source of radiation in space.…