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How To Become A Radiation Safety Officer

The primary goal of any employer should be to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. For employer’s whose businesses involve the use of radioactive materials, this goal is a bit trickier to meet. Firstly, radiation is invisible, so it’s easy for employees to forget they are working with an extremely hazardous…

MRI machine and screens

What is Scatter Radiation?

Most people are concerned about their own health and safety when they get an X-Ray. In truth, unless you receive frequent X-rays, the individuals who are at most risk for cumulative radiation damage are the radiology technicians who spend the bulk of their working day surrounded by radioactive waves and particles. While technicians typically retire…

doctor holding x-ray or roentgen image

A Brief History of X-Rays in Hospitals

Wouldn’t you have liked to be a fly on the wall when the first X-Rays were taken? Imagine how magical that would have seemed, to be able to see the bones and tougher soft tissues of the human body for the first time. It was seemingly miraculous for those who first experienced it. Wait, though.…

Understanding X-rays and X-ray Shielding

Understanding X-rays and X-ray Shielding

You probably already know that x-rays are used in the medical industry to lend doctors and other healthcare professionals more data about their patients. What you may not know is that x-rays, for all of their merits, are a form of ionizing, electromagnetic radiation that can damage human tissue – e.g., you or me –…

What is Radiation?

What is Radiation?

When many people hear the word “radiation,” they immediately think of its harmful effects. With so many warnings about radiation exposure in the news, it’s easy to relate radiation to cancer and environmental damage even though radiation can also be beneficial. For starters, it is important to state what radiation is not in relation to…

7 Sources of Everyday Radiation

7 Sources of Everyday Radiation

When you hear the words Radiation Exposure, odds are your mind jumps to all kinds of scenarios – mainly revolving around nuclear power plant meltdowns or atomic bombs. In fact, our bodies are fielding radiation on a daily basis – from sources ranging from Mother Nature to the cell phone in your pocket. Here is…


Radiation is Fun : Mars Mission Radiation Shield Competition

Here at Lancs Industries, we manufacture, design and sell all number of radiation shielding products. That includes the creation and development of products or clothing that are specifically tailored for our clients’ needs. It turns out that we aren’t the only ones interested in creating solutions for complex radiation exposure solutions; NASA recently held a…


Working With Radiation: Wear the Right Protective Clothing

You can never be too cautious when you work with or around radiation and radioactive products. While there’s no need to wear a protective hood when speaking on your cell phone (not yet, anyway), companies and employees who work in a radioactive environment or with radioactive products should always err on the side of caution…


Portable Containment Tents : Safety and Efficiency

Does your workplace or industrial facility require the use of radiation, lead or other harmful contaminants? If so, portable containment tents are an affordable and efficient solution for preventing the spread of contaminants from surface to surface, or into the surrounding environment, and they also minimize the scope and complexity of your cleanup process. In…